Monday, April 12, 2010

Misc Thoughts . . .

It's hot!  Blazing sun!

Houses made of mud, scrap metal, any found material.

Train tracks . . . but no trains!  How silly is that!

Ethiopia is a land locked country so shipped goods come from a port in Djibouti . . . we have seen quite a few cargo containers so that is why we learned this fact.

Brita's little friend, who could not be more than 2 years old, knows how to fold a plastic bag.  (The only way this could be possible is if she has seen her mother do this for years . . . how sad is that?!)

Rick gave his Amharic Bible away to a young man.

Doug was speaking to a group of men about this trip, and when he spoke of our helping the orphans the young men wanted to know what we were doing to help his family. It's a legitimate question, one we didn't have an answer to.

Toothpicks are big here! 

Life is too short and the planet is too big to stay in one place too long!

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