Monday, April 12, 2010

It’s a Miracle!

It's not every day that you are part of an honest to goodness miracle.  That was our experience our first day here at the Widows and Orphans Home.  When we arrived, the nannies had 2 ½ cans of formula left . . . for 11 infants!  That means that they had less than 24 hours of formula left.  Just contemplate that for a moment.  11 infants, precious little babies . . . some as young as 23 days old, others up to 18 months. Who doesn't get formula first?  Who should get a smaller portion?  These were just two of the countless worries that Tezera and her staff face daily.  Their prayer was "Let God fulfill this burden."  They had faith that God would come through for them but they had no idea when it would happen.  This is real life in Ethiopia, a real life and death crisis.  Then the Americans arrived . . . with over 150 pounds of formula!  Praise God!  The desperately needed supplies were donated by many people ~ such as Harvest House in Arizona, M.O.P.S. (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers group at VBUMC) and Atlantic Pediatric's in Virginia Beach, just to name a few.  When Tezera saw the formula, she exclaimed, "IT'S A MIRACLE!" 

Life is too short and the planet is too big to stay in one place too long!

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is, "WOW!" That is an amazing story and how blessed you all were to have the privilege to witness such a wondrous thing.

    Praise God for His faithfulness!

